“I don’t even really work here!”

(a Seinfeld-in-culture note in advance of more Seinfeld-isms to come, very soon...) Returning here after more than two years--after I went bye-bye in 2013, after saying Helloooo!--I was tempted toward a good George-ism to capture the moment. Maybe the simple, ebullient "I'm back, baby!" Or the subversive, Eeyore-ish voicemail he once left Jerry, "Hey, it's George... Pfft. I've… Continue reading “I don’t even really work here!”

“Oh…let him kill me. I won’t have to do any more sit-ups.”

(a note to readers before you read on to more Seinfeld-isms below) It was cut from the episode, the above Costanza line, before "The Busboy" aired. (Turn on the "Notes About Nothing" function while watching any Seinfeld episode on DVD to get such priceless trivia.) George inadvertently played a hand in the kneejerk firing of a waiter… Continue reading “Oh…let him kill me. I won’t have to do any more sit-ups.”

“You ask me to get a pair of underwear, I’m back in two seconds.”

A snappy observation to use when someone you know is asked to do something, and they could be moving a little quicker. They could use a little motivation. So you decide to give them some. Setting up his son George with a job interview with a bra salesman, Frank Costanza told him that he should know… Continue reading “You ask me to get a pair of underwear, I’m back in two seconds.”

“It’s a Festivus miracle!”

A yuletide observation for making something down-to-earth sound out-of-this-world. Not because it's actually miraculous (it might even be ridiculous) but because 'tis the season. On hearing that George's father, Frank, had invented a holiday alternative for those on the outs with Christmas--a "Festivus for the rest of us"--Kramer was in. When an unlikely host of… Continue reading “It’s a Festivus miracle!”

“I don’t like this thing! And here’s what I’m doing with it!”

A scolding observation to let someone know they made a wrong choice...but the bigger wrong would be for you to not do anything about it. George's depression over losing his hair finally ended in his gaining a toupee--and dividing his friends in their reaction. Kramer approved; Jerry demurred. Elaine decided to take the matter into… Continue reading “I don’t like this thing! And here’s what I’m doing with it!”

“Cheese, George. Cheeeese!”

A zesty challenge for enticing someone to fall for something they love--because you can (and you know they will). George's love of cheese compelled Jerry to tell George how disturbing the George-cheese relationship was. So when Jerry disturbed George to get him out of a board meeting and George said he couldn't--sighing like a man under… Continue reading “Cheese, George. Cheeeese!”