“You know, if someone wants to help themselves to an eyeful, well, we say, ‘Enjoy the show.'”

(a note to readers and newcomers) You know the episode. Kramer and Newman reverse the peepholes on their apartment doors so they can, in the K-man's words, "see if anyone is waiting to jack us with a sock full of pennies!"* It's Kramer's reply to Jerry's reaction to this hilarious home improvement though, here above,… Continue reading “You know, if someone wants to help themselves to an eyeful, well, we say, ‘Enjoy the show.'”

“Oh…let him kill me. I won’t have to do any more sit-ups.”

(a note to readers before you read on to more Seinfeld-isms below) It was cut from the episode, the above Costanza line, before "The Busboy" aired. (Turn on the "Notes About Nothing" function while watching any Seinfeld episode on DVD to get such priceless trivia.) George inadvertently played a hand in the kneejerk firing of a waiter… Continue reading “Oh…let him kill me. I won’t have to do any more sit-ups.”

“I’m gonna read a book. From beginning to end. In that order.”

(another Seinfeld-in-culture note to readers before you read on to more Seinfeld-isms below) It was one of George's aims, the above comment, in the "summer of George." We're not exactly sure where George stood when it came to books. In one episode, he was collecting them like an avid reader. In another, he was foregoing a… Continue reading “I’m gonna read a book. From beginning to end. In that order.”