“And you’re still dating him? I’ll tell you who sounds a little ‘desperado.'”

(a Seinfeld-in-culture note)

They’re too compelling.

Just like the legendary Eagles ditty “Desperado” moved Elaine’s Karl-Farbman-furniture snob beau Brett to shush her whenever it came on (“After the song, babe”…and the above line was Jerry’s reaction to hearing Elaine gushing about it*), the Sein-lines that keep serenading the airwaves of our everyday lives are too compelling to not write about now and then.

The book has been out for nearly four years, I’m an even busier full-time writer now than I was back when I was actively writing here, yet the giddy ubiquity of super-Sein-fans continues to strike marvel. Just this month, I was listening to my youngest daughter’s athletic director at the school gym before a game, and he dropped a Seinfeld reference–then guffawed so loudly I thought he might repeat the bit to the crowd in the bleachers so they could join in the cathartic laugh.

“My daughter called me a fraud,” he jovially shared, “because, she said, ‘You get all of your material from Seinfeld!'”

Even trace evidence of Seinfeldian influence in our society can reveal itself without going under a microscope. Take this recent New York Times article hook–and try to deny the stammering face that comes to mind:

Who among us can read that–the article as microphone, resonating a distinct Seinfeldian voice–and not hear Kramer? Anyone? Newman? By “us,” of course, I’m assuming that if you wandered onto this site, you’re at least a nominal fan, with a pedestrian knowledge of the most memorable episodes across the show’s nine seasons.

(Okay, if you heard Lego Batman–“snake clowns“–because I put that idea in your head, half the cool points still awarded.)

More to come. More Sein-posts, more Seinfeld-in-culture notes…“more everything!”**

*From “The Checks,” Season 8, Episode 7.

**See, there it goes again without trying. That one’s from “The Airport,” Season 4, Episode 12.

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