“Good luck with alll that.”

(the final Seinfeld-in-culture note before Seinfeld-ism the book is published!)

In “The Serenity Now,” what is doubtless one of the top ten–maybe five–most famousshutterstock_744264982_NYC subway episodes in the Greatest (TV Sitcom) Show on Earth, George seizes a rare moment to dump all of his “darkest fears” and “everything [he’s] capable of” on his good friend Jerry…whose humorously horrified face in response precedes the above wonderfully accessible line.

Wonderfully accessible perfectly describes the Seinfeld lines soon to debut in my book, Seinfeld-ism: How the Wisdom, Philosophy, Yada Yada Yada of TV’s Greatest Sitcom Can Help You Survive Life. All new, previously unpublished material accompanying an armful of the best of the posts here. Arranged in a topical guide to life–family, relationships, work, and more–with additional observations and exhortations.

Pre-orders will be available beginning this week, so listen out here for updates, as we head toward a pub date the week of July 15.

Moses smell the roses!

With the publishing of the book, the blogging here will end–all posts here preserved “in perpetuity” (I know, how long have I been waiting to squeeze that into a conversation). But the book is what I’d hoped for all along, the blog just a launchpad to get that on.

The blog I launched 10 years ago to this day.

Thanks for coming along for the ride, you fans from (literally, I see from WordPress’s awesome stats) around the world, from Greenland to Iceland to New Zealand, and a whole heck of a lot of countries in between. A global interest in the Show About Nothing? That’s something to talk about.

Let’s talk soon.

2 thoughts on ““Good luck with alll that.””

  1. I would have commented sooner, but I overslept – the alarm clock under my desk was set to pm instead of am and I didn’t have the forethought to call the wake-up guy. luckily the smell of fresh calzones awakened me.

    Can’t wait for the book. Consider me in line.

    1. JohnPaul JohnPaul–I mean, Anonymous…or shall I dub you Vandelay?…thank you for this. No worries on the extra zzz’s; at least you’re getting some sleep. (Unless, of course, you’re nodding off in your indoor hot tub, or on the deck chair on the roof in the noonday sun.) I’m getting up earlier than usual now because I have to, but it’s all good. I love a good nap. Sometimes it’s the only thing getting me out of bed in the morning….

      Props for the buzz. This is all making me want to eat a block of cheese the size of a car battery.

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